
Karsai vs. Hungary

The case of Dr. Dániel Karsai, a constitutional lawyer, maybe familiar to everyone from recent news, as he is the one who brought a case against Hungary in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg to allow euthanasia for people suffering from ALS and similar diseases in Hungary. The 46-year-old man is himself terminally ill, his condition is progressively deteriorating, and there is currently no cure for his neurological disease, which causes complete muscular paralysis. He is fighting not only for himself, but also for his fellow patients, with the goal of a dignified end to his life.

Marcell Gerő, director and co-founder of Campfilm, follows the man's everyday life in his documentary Karsai vs. Hungary. The film is produced by Sára László and Jean-Laurent Csinidis (FR).

The film project has been selected for the CPH:FORUM accompanying the CPH:DOX Documentary Film Festival, which will take place from 13-24 March, where the projects will be presented to well-known film financiers and representatives of renowned streaming platforms, and where the best of the selected works will be awarded. ➡ www.cphdox.dk